In these posts I try and challenge, stretch and inspire new ideas & conversations.
Opportunities for success open to creative thinkers*
Opportunities for success open to creative thinkers* 'The ability to think creatively, to generate and test new ideas, solutions or actions will be the most important skill in the workforce of the future. We are at a point in history whereby what has worked in the...
Creative Thinking Example Number 2
I found this Hand Hygiene Dispensing Unit on nearly every wall at our local hospital. This is a classic example of using creative thinking to design a win - win solution. The hospital staff have made it simpler and easier for visitors to clean their hands. Just having...
Creative Thinking Example Number 1
A simple sticker on the side of a garbage bin to remind drivers to slow down whilst driving on a busy road. Simple, beautiful, community-minded idea. It should catch on. Creative thinking does not have to be expensive to be effective. It's also a lovely example that...
12 tips to run a more productive brainstorming session
How to run a successful brainstorming session again and again 1. Invite a diverse group. This would include people close to the problem and others outside it 2. Send out the problem or challenge a day beforehand This allows participants to think about the challenge...
How Leaders can enhance their Creative Thinking
Switch your perspective We all look at situations differently. This is because your perspective is informed by your thinking patterns. Your patterns are influenced by your experiences, values, attitudes and beliefs. This is why for example you tend to see only the...
The Future of Creative Thinking
Here are my 6 Blue-Sky Predictions 1. Creative Thinking will become a core subject taught from primary school upwards Creative Thinking will become an essential life skill like reading, maths or chairing a meeting for example. It will be used throughout your life to...
The Daily Creative Thinking Meeting
Daily meetings can be productive and creative More and more groups and teams are using daily meetings. These are very popular in software development teams in particular and even have their own name - Daily Scrums. Daily Scrums as the name implies are short, daily...
Do leaders need a creative thinking consultant?
For a new age we need a new type of consultant There are many different types of consultants. Think of management consultants or strategy or marketing or political consultants for example. Yet none of these are dedicated to helping leaders and their teams to create....
How to be productively creative
The new challenge for all leaders, groups and teams It's a tough time for anyone who works in an organisation or runs their own business. Leaders, groups and teams need to be more creative and innovative to develop new growth opportunities and design better consumer...