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I write to disrupt your thinking. In these blog posts I try and challenge, stretch and inspire new ideas & conversations.

Here is the formula for exponential growth

Here is the formula for exponential growth

Exponential Thinking x Exponential Technologies Much of the excitement and the focus of leaders today is on the growth of exponential technologies. Think AI, Robotics, IoT, AR, VR, 3D Printing, Social Media Platforms etc etc These technologies are upending traditional...

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How do you learn a new skill?

How do you learn a new skill?

5 Principles to Learn a New Skill I am a great fan of Anders Ericsson, a Professor at Florida State University. Anders is an expert on expertise and human performance. He is the author of what some people call the 10,000 hour rule. This is the idea that expertise in...

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What is 100x Innovation?

What is 100x Innovation?

The 100x Innovation Starting Point In the 100x Innovation System, innovation is defined as: Anything, new or different that potentially creates value. It can be a 1x change, idea or solution (e.g. a walking meeting) right up to a 10x game-changing product or a 100x...

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The Three Horizons vs 100x Innovation

The Three Horizons vs 100x Innovation

What is the Three Horizons Framework? In 1999, the book -- The Alchemy of Growth was published. It's authors Mehrdad Baghai, Stephen Coley and David Clark studied a number of high growth organisations and as a result developed The Three Horizons Framework. Since that...

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Here’s an example of a 1x Innovation

Here’s an example of a 1x Innovation

Small changes over time - add up I found this corner of a book store I recently visited. In this corner were the best sellers of the store. This is a classic example of a 1x Innovation. It's a small, almost quiet, gentle nudge. The corner of the book store highlights...

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The 3 different types of innovation

The 3 different types of innovation

1x to 10x to 100x! In the 100x Innovation system there are 3 types of innovation. I call these 1x, 10x and 100x. All 3 are interconnected and form a new, exponential innovation curve. I will discuss each of these in turn. 1x Innovation: These are the small, bite-size...

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What’s the new innovation growth curve?

What’s the new innovation growth curve?

It's Exponential not Linear! Last Sunday I played soccer and it was a hard-fought game between two evenly matched teams. The scores were 1 all with about 10 minutes to go. Then we scored and before you knew it we had scored 3 more goals and the game finished at 4...

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Announcing 100x Innovation

Announcing 100x Innovation

A new strategic approach to innovation I have researched and worked in the innovation space for the past 20 years. One of the directions I have noticed in the past few years has been the growth of 2 different camps among leaders working in medium to large...

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“Imagination @Speed is more important than knowledge (with due deference to Mr Einstein).”


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