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I write to disrupt your thinking. In these blog posts I try and challenge, stretch and inspire new ideas & conversations.

Imagine if your mind was free

Imagine if your mind was free

Imagine if your mind was free. Free to continuously explore, play, create, solve, challenge, learn and grow. Imagine what you (and your team) could achieve. Imagine if you were not trapped by your (often) rigid set of assumptions and beliefs. You would be free to...

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The insight behind Switch Thinking

The insight behind Switch Thinking

I am fortunate in that my work carries me all over Australia and Asia. It was during one of these trips after I spoke at a conference I settled down to a nice lunch and I noticed something wonderful. The person next to me started talking to me in English then when...

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How you can be more creative with ChatGPT

How you can be more creative with ChatGPT

We all have an enormous potential to be creative. Yet most of us are not fulfilling this potential. Why? If you work in a team and organisation that can stop you from being as creative and innovative as you would like. These might include for example, a lack of time,...

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How to generate new ideas

How to generate new ideas

There are two broad ways to generate new ideas. The first is to create new ideas via say a brainstorming session or my new Switch Thinking process. This approach is slow, can be risky and waste time and effort. But it can also produce an occasional big, new idea that...

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How to stretch your mind

How to stretch your mind

As i am getting older I have realised the importance of maintaining and if possible improving my flexibility. So I started with Kung Fu then after 10 years of study moved to Yoga. And it works! I no longer feel as rigid in my muscles and after a session feel refreshed...

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Idea Flow – A review

Idea Flow – A review

I just finished reading Idea Flow - Why Creative Businesses Win by Jeremy Utley and Perry Klebahn (2022). Both of these practitioners are associated with the Stanford d.schooland have worked with numerous companies over the past 20 years. There is much to like about...

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The easiest way to switch your thinking

The easiest way to switch your thinking

Sometimes we get stuck. Here's why. We form thinking patterns based on our past experiences. These patterns are our assumptions, beliefs, expectations and attitudes. They inform our ideas, solutions, actions and to some extent our feelings. These thinking patterns are...

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Switch Thinking

Switch Thinking

Switch Thinking is a new concept that I have developed based on an insight. Whilst watching bilingual people i noticed how easily and quickly they could switch from one language to another. Not only did they switch languages but they seem to switch cultural...

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The end of straight line thinking?

The end of straight line thinking?

Linear or straight-line thinking worked beautifully when the world seemed to react in a linear way. If sales were behind it was simply a matter (in most cases) of more resources. Increase the advertising, decrease the price or say expand the sales force. Cause and...

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“Imagination @Speed is more important than knowledge (with due deference to Mr Einstein).”


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