by Dr Ken Hudson | Jan 26, 2018 | Creative Problem Solving, Creative Thinking Techniques, Disruption, Exponential Thinking, How to become a creative leader, How to grow your Revenue, Workshop Facilitator
For a new age we need a new type of consultant There are many different types of consultants. Think of management consultants or strategy or marketing or political consultants for example. Yet none of these are dedicated to helping leaders and their teams to create....
by Dr Ken Hudson | Jan 9, 2018 | Creative Problem Solving, Creative Thinking Techniques, How to become a creative leader, Workshop Facilitator
The new challenge for all leaders, groups and teams It’s a tough time for anyone who works in an organisation or runs their own business. Leaders, groups and teams need to be more creative and innovative to develop new growth opportunities and design better...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Nov 28, 2017 | Creative Problem Solving, Creative Thinking Techniques, Employee Experience, How to accelerate idea generation, How to become a creative leader, Speed Thinking
Here is a new way to think about creativity. By using a different metaphor. Creativity as a switch. Using this perspective you and your group or team could switch on your creativity and then switch it off – in an instant. Depending on the situation you could...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Sep 4, 2017 | Exponential Thinking, How to become a creative leader, Speed Thinking, Workshop Facilitator
Shifting leadership thinking from single to multi In 1983, Harvard Professor Howard Gardner, in a book called Frames of Mind proposed a Theory of Multiple Intelligences rather than a single, general one. I am suggesting we extend his theory by having a Theory of...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Aug 25, 2017 | Creative Thinking Techniques, How to become a creative leader, How to boost your productivity, Workshop Facilitator
The Leadership Thinking success formula In the Marketing and Innovation space there is a 70, 20, 10 formula: – 70% of your innovation efforts should be on your current business, products and markets – 20% on adjacent or near-by markets or related products...