How to switch on your creative thinking

How to switch on your creative thinking

Switch to another pattern Want to switch on your creative thinking? Here’s how. We tend to think, feel and act in patterns. These patterns self-organise as a result of our past behaviours, experiences, beliefs and expectations. This is efficient but not very...
One more time – What is Creative Thinking?

One more time – What is Creative Thinking?

A view from the trenches on what is Creative Thinking? An ability we all have to create and test ideas We are all born with the ability to create, dream, play and imagine. Just think of when you were a child and in your bath were pirates and monsters or even a shark....
Opportunities for success open to creative thinkers*

Opportunities for success open to creative thinkers*

Opportunities for success open to creative thinkers* ‘The ability to think creatively, to generate and test new ideas, solutions or actions will be the most important skill in the workforce of the future. We are at a point in history whereby what has worked in...
12 tips to run a more productive brainstorming session

12 tips to run a more productive brainstorming session

How to run a successful brainstorming session again and again 1. Invite a diverse group. This would include people close to the problem and others outside it 2. Send out the problem or challenge a day beforehand This allows participants to think about the challenge...

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