by Dr Ken Hudson | Nov 28, 2016 | Creative Thinking Techniques, Disruption, How to become a creative leader, How to reinvent your product, brand, business or career
With disruption think ecosystem rather than just technology Disruption. It seems every brand, business and industry is in danger of being disrupted. Disruptive technology is in a never-ending march towards toppling the incumbents. But is this the entire story? Is...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Sep 19, 2016 | Creative Thinking Techniques, Customer Experience, Disruption, How to become a creative leader, How to improve your Sales & Marketing
Dumb vs Smart Products I was just reading an article about the Australian Air Force operating in the Middle East. Every plane was carrying a smart bomb which according to the article could mean that a pilot could drop a bomb from 20,000 feet from some 20 miles away...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Aug 9, 2016 | How to become a creative leader, How to boost your productivity, How to reinvent your product, brand, business or career, Workshop Facilitator
Grit vs Talent I have just finished reading Grit by Angela Duckworth, Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. It’s a great read. I love the idea and her compelling research that suggests that accomplishment has more to do with passion and...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Jul 26, 2016 | How to become a creative leader, How to grow your Revenue, How to improve your Sales & Marketing, How to innovate in a fast, simple and low risk way, Workshop Facilitator
Small changes can have a big impact I have been working recently with various Adidas team’s throughout Asia. One of the key messages that seems to resonate with them is the idea that innovation does not always have to be big. Innovation also does not need to be...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Jun 14, 2016 | Disruption, How to become a creative leader
How young leaders are developing themselves I have started to conduct research with young leaders about what they want out of a leadership development program. It’s still early days but one of my insights is that young, future leaders are not waiting around for...