by Dr Ken Hudson | Feb 2, 2016 | Creative Thinking Techniques, Disruption, How to become a creative leader, How to grow your Revenue, How to reinvent your product, brand, business or career
Reinvention is like a major renovation – Disruption is a total knockdown Lets consider an analogy to explain the difference between innovation, reinvention and disruption. Imagine if you will that you have purchased a new house. You are faced with a number of...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Jan 28, 2016 | How to become a creative leader, How to grow your Revenue, How to reinvent your product, brand, business or career, Workshop Facilitator
Is it time to reinvent your brand, business or career? If it is, then here is how to start. Start with Why. in this case I am borrowing Simon Sinek’s 3 tier model and applying it reinvention. At the centre of his circle is: – Why? – How? –...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Jan 26, 2016 | Disruption, How to become a creative leader, How to grow your Revenue, SME's, Workshop Facilitator
It’s the questions you ask There are lots of different tools e.g. SWOT Analysis that leaders and SME owners use in their strategic planning process. And many templates to complete. My experience as a strategic planning facilitator is that strategic planning...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Jan 25, 2016 | Creative Thinking Techniques, Disruption, Employee Experience, How to become a creative leader, How to improve your Sales & Marketing, How to reinvent your product, brand, business or career, How to run an awesome Brainstorming Session, Workshop Facilitator
I have been designing and running innovation training for the past 10 years. During that time I have gained some insights as to what works and what does not. Here are 8 suggestions for you to make the most out of your innovation training budget. Run a pilot first...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Jan 23, 2016 | Employee Experience, How to become a creative leader, How to grow your Revenue, Workshop Facilitator
I earn my living as a keynote speaker but … I have attended, facilitated or been employed as a keynote speaker at hundreds of conferences over the years. And sometimes I wonder why do leaders and conference organisers employ keynote speakers. Here are some of...