What is a Team Problem Solving Culture?

What is a Team Problem Solving Culture?

Culture plus process equals breakthrough solutions There are numerous articles, posts and content around team problem solving processes. Basically these involve a number of steps: 1. Defining the problem 2. Generating alternative solutions 3. Evaluating these and 4....
What is 100x Innovation?

What is 100x Innovation?

The 100x Innovation Starting Point In the 100x Innovation System, innovation is defined as: Anything, new or different that potentially creates value. It can be a 1x change, idea or solution (e.g. a walking meeting) right up to a 10x game-changing product or a 100x...
How to use Blitz in your Design Thinking Process

How to use Blitz in your Design Thinking Process

Enhance & Accelerate your Design Thinking Process I am a great fan of Design Thinking. For those that are not familiar with this approach to problem solving or Innovation i will use the definition outlined by The Interaction Design Foundation: ‘Design...

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