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I write to disrupt your thinking. In these blog posts I try and challenge, stretch and inspire new ideas & conversations.

Who do you bounce ideas off?

Who do you bounce ideas off?

Who do you bounce ideas off and How do you ask people for help? These are great questions particularly when most work today is done in groups and teams. To answer these questions remember the word 'DATE'. D - Diversity Ask people who have a different perspective, set...

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Net Promoters Score – yes but …

Net Promoters Score – yes but …

Net Promoters Score - yes and ... The net promoters scores has become the most popular customer metric used by leaders in medium to large organisations. it was developed by Frederick F Reicheld from Bain & Company and made famous in a 2003 HBR article. There are many...

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How to develop an everyday creative thinking habit

How to develop an everyday creative thinking habit

How to develop an everyday creative thinking habit Let's agree that creative thinking is an ability we all possess. Remember when you were a kid and you could wrestle with dragons or imagine yourself playing soccer for example in front of thousands of people? You...

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How to switch on your creative thinking

How to switch on your creative thinking

Switch to another pattern Want to switch on your creative thinking? Here's how. We tend to think, feel and act in patterns. These patterns self-organise as a result of our past behaviours, experiences, beliefs and expectations. This is efficient but not very creative....

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What’s the ideal consumer response?

What’s the ideal consumer response?

Thank You! That's right. It's when the consumer, customer or client says thank you. It could be Thank you for: - solving a problem I have - anticipating a need - listening to me - going out of your way to help me - doing something unexpected - understanding me ... I...

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Creative Thinking Example Number 8

Creative Thinking Example Number 8

Want to generate amazing new ideas? Want to develop your creative thinking skills? You can wait for inspiration to strike you or you can go and search for new ideas. Hint. Choose the latter. It's an exercise I always give my graduate students and workshops with...

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Creative Thinking Example Number 7

Creative Thinking Example Number 7

Ever been bombarded with choice? Of course you have. I walk into a bottle shop and have no clue as to what to buy much less even where to start. I walk into a clothes shop and have a similar experience. I need help. This is why a sign like the one above is so...

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Can organisations have wicked problems?

Can organisations have wicked problems?

Can a medium to large organisations or businesses have wicked problems? In a thought-provoking article in 1973, HWJ Rittel and MM Webber coined the phrase 'wicked problems' to describe a particular type of social, government or policy planning challenge. They used the...

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Creative Thinking Example Number 6

Creative Thinking Example Number 6

I found this creative thinking example at my local fish restaurant. It's a simple sign on one of the walls which outlines the values and philosophy behind the restaurant. It reeks of pride in the food, the raw materials and the presentation. The sign also sets a...

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“Imagination @Speed is more important than knowledge (with due deference to Mr Einstein).”


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