by Dr Ken Hudson | Aug 24, 2015 | Creative Thinking Techniques, Disruption, How to accelerate idea generation, How to become a creative leader, How to improve your Sales & Marketing, How to innovate in a fast, simple and low risk way, Speed Thinking, Workshop Facilitator
Do we need to think about disruption in a new way? How do you educate those bright young people that technology is the biggest disruptor of the world we live in? Dave Curran, Westpac, CIO, (The Australian, 20/8/15) On the surface you would have to agree with Dave...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Jul 16, 2015 | Creative Thinking Techniques, Employee Experience, How to become a creative leader, How to run an awesome Brainstorming Session, Workshop Facilitator
Ideathon – an idea whose time has come Many business leaders in the IT and software industry run quarterly Hackathons. These are typically 24 hour sessions where software developer try and create say a new product, feature or app. I think this is a great idea...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Oct 17, 2014 | Employee Experience, Workshop Facilitator
Some key learnings as a workshop facilitator Over the past 10 years I have designed and facilitated numerous ideation, brainstorming, strategy and planning sessions. In all but one occasion* I added significant value. But someone asked me the other day why and when...
by Dr Ken Hudson | May 24, 2014 | How to become a creative leader, How to improve your Sales & Marketing, How to reinvent your product, brand, business or career, Workshop Facilitator
I was a former marketing director at American Express and every year every product or brand manager completed their marketing plans with a section titled Competitive Analysis. In my years as a facilitator i have seen this process repeated again and again. This is a...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Apr 30, 2014 | How to become a creative leader, How to grow your Revenue, How to improve your Sales & Marketing
Generating profitable and sustainable revenue growth is difficult. It often requires challenging what has worked in the past. And thinking about markets, products and business models in new ways. It often will mean using a new process that is outside the usual...