by Dr Ken Hudson | Apr 4, 2013 | How to grow your Revenue, Workshop Facilitator
In my role as a strategic planning facilitator over the years i have met and worked with numerous leaders and i always love the process. Recently i facilitated a number of Third Horizon ideation and new revenue growth opportunity sessions with a range of different...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Apr 2, 2013 | How to become a creative leader, Workshop Facilitator
For the last 10 years of my life, I’ve attended, designed or facilitated countless strategy or planning days. These have varied from a few leaders at a hotel in the city to major productions of hundreds of senior managers at exotic locations. And most of the time, a...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Feb 3, 2013 | Creative Thinking Techniques, How to run an awesome Brainstorming Session, Workshop Facilitator
Here are some more tips to help you facilitate an awesome brainstorming or ideation session. Tip No: 51. Encourage everyone in the session to use phases such as what i find interesting about your ideas are.. Or what is original about your idea...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Feb 1, 2013 | Creative Thinking Techniques, How to run an awesome Brainstorming Session, Workshop Facilitator
Some more amazing facilitation tips so you can run a more engaging and powerful brainstorming session. Tip No 26: When you have selected your best 3 ideas try and develop a 9 point action plan to bring these to life. Tip No 27: Give every idea a...
by Dr Ken Hudson | Jan 31, 2013 | Creative Thinking Techniques, How to run an awesome Brainstorming Session, Workshop Facilitator
I have designed and facilitated literally hundreds of brainstorming, planning and ideation sessions. I have created a series of Brainstorming Tips that will help you create and run sessions that people will rave about! Tip No 1: Evaluate as you go. In...