Imagine if your mind was free

Imagine if your mind was free

Imagine if your mind was free. Free to continuously explore, play, create, solve, challenge, learn and grow. Imagine what you (and your team) could achieve. Imagine if you were not trapped by your (often) rigid set of assumptions and beliefs. You would be free to...
How to stretch your mind

How to stretch your mind

As i am getting older I have realised the importance of maintaining and if possible improving my flexibility. So I started with Kung Fu then after 10 years of study moved to Yoga. And it works! I no longer feel as rigid in my muscles and after a session feel refreshed...
The easiest way to switch your thinking

The easiest way to switch your thinking

Sometimes we get stuck. Here’s why. We form thinking patterns based on our past experiences. These patterns are our assumptions, beliefs, expectations and attitudes. They inform our ideas, solutions, actions and to some extent our feelings. These thinking...

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