Here’s how to generate original ideas

Here’s how to generate original ideas

Here’s the secret I am just finishing off a new book by Adam Grant called Originals. It’s a great book. As Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, writes in the forward it: “Is one of the most important and captivating books i have read, full of surprising and...
Is the Lean Startup approach – Creative?

Is the Lean Startup approach – Creative?

What I like about the Lean Startup approach The Lean Startup approach or movement has many aspects which I like. – there is an emphasis on the customer rather than just the technology – having early consumer feedback is invaluable – the idea of...
Beyond incremental innovation to reinvention

Beyond incremental innovation to reinvention

What is reinvention? Leaders often ask me what is the difference between innovation, reinvention and disruption? Sometimes you just need a good analogy to explain a concept. Lets imagine that you have just purchased a new home. You have 4 options: 1. No nothing and...
Does a Hackathon work in a big company?

Does a Hackathon work in a big company?

Yes and No! A hackathon (also known as a hackfest or codefest) according to wikipedia is: ‘an event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development and hardware development, including graphic designers, interface designers and project...
Innovation training – here’s what works

Innovation training – here’s what works

I have been designing and running innovation training for the past 10 years. During that time I have gained some insights as to what works and what does not. Here are 8 suggestions for you to make the most out of your innovation training budget. Run a pilot first...

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