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Switch, Speed & Creative Thinking Trainer & Mentor

My public or in-house courses, workshops or 1 to 1 sessions combine real world experience as a Marketing Director, my Phd in Organisational Creativity and my many years teaching part-time at The University Of Technology, Sydney.

Some of the comments from a recent training session include:

  • ‘Challenging and fun; – Practical activities that actually work!
  • Love the models, – can be replicated/used back at work, 
  • A great, practical session, useful tools, interactive!
  • Moved me out of my comfort zone.
  • Speed thinking – can definitely take this back to work

Some of the tools I empower participants with are –  Switch Thinking and Speed Thinking.


Small Investment – Big difference – Fast Results

I am an ex-corporate leader so I know the importance of delivering tools and contents that can be applied immediatley.

It’s why with Speed Thinking for example I insist on working on real problems.

All of my programs can be customised to your budget, group and time available.

I have designed programs on Speed Thinking, Creative Thinking, Switch Thinking, Disruption & Reinvention and Creating Growth.

I have Designed & run programs for these leading organisations:

Clemenger BBDO University, Dell (Australia & China), Baxter Health Care, Coca-Cola (China), Adidas (all over Asia), Siemens (China), Qantas, Roche, Plan, Recognition PR, AMP, TNT, Cap Gemini, Bayer, Samsung, Mars, Bank West, NRMA, DuPont, Fleishman Hillard, Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australian Health Management, Intel (Singapore), Singapore Institute of Marketing and PWC.

I also designed and taught a post-graduate class in Marketing Creativity at UTS (part-time) for over 10 years.

For more information contact your course leader — Dr Ken Hudson.

“I recently attended a talk you gave as part of The Marketing Leaders Program and I found it amazing that your techniques could unlock creativity so fast.”
Sally Hunt

Account Director, Advertising Agency

“Dr Ken Hudson is an excellent innovation trainer and facilitator. He is very creative & energetic in organizing idea generation sessions.”
Arthur Lok

CEO, China Institute for Innovation

“Collaboration is the key to more creativity. Yes and, our creativity has to be more productive. Yes and, to be more productive requires greater creativity!”


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Dr Ken Hudson
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