Moving beyond strengths based leadership

Moving beyond strengths based leadership

Many years ago I was a marketing director at American Express and managed a considerable number of staff. Every year we all had to submit to an annual performance review. I used to dread these as they were designed (I felt) to point out everything is was weak at. Not...
How small wins, tiny changes can have a big impact

How small wins, tiny changes can have a big impact

Small wins, tiny changes – big impact I have just finished reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. The 2018 book sub-title says it all – an easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. In this case the author refreshingly delivers on his...
Opportunities for success open to creative thinkers*

Opportunities for success open to creative thinkers*

Opportunities for success open to creative thinkers* ‘The ability to think creatively, to generate and test new ideas, solutions or actions will be the most important skill in the workforce of the future. We are at a point in history whereby what has worked in...

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