Our new, free Ideas Blitz mobile app is out now and people are asking me how they might use it in their next brainstorming session. (Ideas Blitz is the tool of Speed Thinking)
Here are some suggestions:
– You can use Blitz to make sure that you are solving the right problem.
So run a Blitz and try and generate 9 different ways of defining the problem.
Then select the best one.
– Send the challenge out before the brainstorming session and ask participants to Blitz it by themselves and ask them to bring along their 3 top ideas.
If you have 10 people then you have 30 starting ideas!
– You could ask participants to email their Blitz results to you and you could put up on a wall or screen the 10 best ideas.
Then allocate (at random) an idea to a person or small group and ask them to Blitz this idea and try and make it 9 time better.
– Participants could Blitz with a partner during the session with one person capturing the ideas and the other contributing.
This means that you have the best of both worlds — the ideas are captured immediately and there is a face to face interaction.
– You could run a Blitz with the entire group on the screen with one person capturing the ideas.
– Or have different small groups run a Blitz on the same challenge then compare and contrast the ideas.
– Or run a Blitz with smaller groups on different challenges and again compare and contrast the results.
– At the end of a brainstorming session you could run a Blitz on each of your high potential ideas and develop a 9 point action plan for each of them
The list is endless.
The aim with any brainstorming session is to keep it fresh, energising and fun so that you solve the problem at hand and you want people to come back again and again.
I would love to hear how you are using our new free, fast Blitz Mobile app
In fact, a HR leader from a large service company has just introduced Blitz to 200 of their top managers.
Happy Blitzing