Everyone would like more innovation.

It is the key to any successful team, brand or organisation.

Innovation drives growth, new product development and staying ahead of the competition.

Retailers demand it and customers expect to be delighted with new products or services.

But there is a problem.

Most leaders don’t know how to be deliver innovation.

They do not know how to improve and accelerate their innovation results.

Nor how to build a more innovative organisation.

It is for this reason that i have developed a new ebook.

It’s called 36 Innovation Tips that work.

The ebook is short, practical and easy to read.

It contains 36 tips based on my 15 years of working in this space.

The ebook will tell you what works and what does not.

What’s more the Innovation ebook is free!

All you have to do is to join our community and you will automatically receive a free copy.

Not to mention from time to time you will also receive my latest updates on how you and your team can become more creative, productive and innovative.

I hope you enjoy your free ebook on 36 Innovation Tips that work.

Happy innovating.


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